Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The value of holding postures (asana)

By encouraging longer holding of asana, I direct the student to welcome in (without clinging or resisting) whatever sensations, emotions, thoughts, judgments, beliefs..., and for them to recognize the coming and going of it all. I will suggest the sensations/experiences that are common while holding a particular asana, and encourage the student to be aware of what's present for them moment to moment. If they can cultivate Presence, an understanding of the impermanence of all experience and find a quality of ease in intense circumstances such as a longer holding of asana, those 'skills' might extend into their lives, so that they learn to meet, greet and welcome whatever arises in their lives, without resistance, without attachment, recognizing the ever changing nature of phenomena. I am guiding my students to be the welcoming awareness in which all phenomena arise, unfold and dissolve.

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