Comment to this post, or email me ( to reserve your place (space is limited). Bring a yoga mat, pillow, blanket, (journal and eyemask).
Yoga Nidra can also be taught one on one, in a verbal, interactive format. If this is more to your liking, I would be pleased to guide you on your journey. This would also be free of charge during the month of June.
Both Tuesday and Wednesday's classes will be introductory classes. Choose which date works best for you.
Oh great you're providing free classes for Yoga Nidra, I am also practicing it with a help of audio cd.
This cd is very helpful whether we are in front of instructor or not. But yes initially it's required to learn and practice it under someone's guidance.
For last 6-7 months, I couldn't sleep well. But since I am practicing Yoga Nidra, results are amazing.
Hello Kittu,
I practiced for 7 years with the audio tapes/cds. Are you using Richard Miller's audio guides? He's just wonderful, as is his approach of yoga nidra.
If you are in Winnipeg next week, you should come down to one of the free classes. Come September, I'll start charging, but for now, I need practice.
Yoga nidra really is wonderful. It really does do magic, in terms of sleep issues, and many many other issues, patterns or beliefs.
Good luck with your practice!
And really, Richard Miller's cd's are simply fabulous. (He approaches the different steps and techniques, from both a traditional yogic approach and through the lens of current psychology knowledge.)
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