Friday, February 18, 2011

Inward Journey- CD Completed

This week, I picked up 50 copies of the iRest yoga nidra CD I've been working on since November. It includes two yoga nidra meditation practices guided by yours truly.

The first practice is oriented towards setting intention, gaining body and breath awareness, welcoming feelings and emotions, as well as inquiring into simply Being.

The second session takes us a little deeper into the radiant body, exploring a heart-oriented breath, as well as exploring feelings, emotions and their opposites. This practice asks us to inquire, what is this awareness that holds all of these experiences? Who is aware of being aware?

"I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and experiences.
I am not the content of my life.
I am Life.
I am the space in which all things happen.
I am consciousness.
I am the Now.
I am"
~ Eckhart Tolle

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